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        6 Ideas for Ribbon Craft Projects

        6 Ideas for Ribbon Craft Projects

        Ribbon Craft Ideas

        We love a good ribbon, so we thought we would share with you some great ways to use ribbon in some great crafting projects.

        1. Tassel Garland

        Great decoration for any occasion.

        Photo Source: http://www.sunshineshoppeblog.com/tassel-garland-banner/

        2. Wands

        These wands would be great for children’s birthday parties!

        Photo Source: becomingmartha.com


        Love reading? Why not try making your own bookmarks, you only need a paperclip and some ribbon!

        Photo Source: https://sanlilu.blogspot.com/2013/01/clips-decorados-com-fita.html

        4. Backdrops

        Fancy something a bit special? Why not have a go at making a backdrop, would be great for a photo booth background too!

        Photo Source: http://festivalbrides.co.uk/festival-brides-were-still-blushing/

        5. Cocktails Stick

        Spruce up your drinks with these great cocktail sticks.

        Photo source: http://www.abeautifulmess.com/2013/05/10-ways-to-make-a-cocktail-stick-.html

        6. Table & Chair Decorations

        We love the use of these colourful ribbons to jazz up the chairs and tables!


        You can check out our range of ribbons here: http://www.carrierbagshop.co.uk/gift-packaging/ribbons/

        Happy Crafting!

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