Our Promise

You want the best quality bags, at the most competitive prices; all delivered on time.
We’ll beat any like for like quote by 10%
If you can produce a like for like quotation from another UK based supplier, at a cheaper price than we’ve quoted you, we won’t just match it, we’ll beat it by 10%.
We won’t miss your deadline
Give us a deadline and we’ll stick to it. We promise to get your bags to you, when you need them. If we don’t deliver, we’ll immediately refund the cost of the delivery.
We’ll refund you in a full if you’re not 100% satisfied
The products you receive from us will always be quality. It’s paramount to us and we’ll do everything we can to make sure we match your specification. If you aren’t entirely happy, then simply return the goods to us and we’ll refund you in full.
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